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Essential Tips for Buying and Selling Cats in Bangladesh

Jun 24, 2024
Essential Tips for Buying and Selling Cats in Bangladesh


Grooming is a crucial aspect of caring for your cat. While most cats groom themselves with their rough, sandpaper-like tongues, they still benefit from a little help from their owners.

Invest in a cat brush and spend a few minutes each day brushing your cat. This helps to remove excess loose fur, reducing the risk of hairballs that form when cats ingest their own fur while grooming.

Brushing your cat also assists in removing the winter coat that naturally sheds during summer, keeping your cat cooler and more comfortable.

A flea comb is another useful tool to check your cat for fleas periodically. Despite regular monthly flea treatments, it’s wise to use a comb to ensure your pet remains flea-free.

Bathing your cat is rarely necessary. Unlike dogs, cats are adept at cleaning themselves through grooming. Healthy, happy cats often have smooth, sleek fur without the need for baths. However, if your cat gets particularly dirty or has fleas, a bath might be necessary but should not become a regular routine.


Maintaining your cat's health is paramount. Regular vet check-ups, at least once a year, are essential. If adopting a cat that hasn't been spayed or neutered, schedule the procedure promptly to prevent health issues and potentially extend your cat’s lifespan.

Your vet will also prescribe regular flea treatments and worming tablets, both vital for your cat’s well-being. Administer flea treatment monthly and worming tablets every three months.

Diet plays a significant role in your cat's health. Feed your cat a quality brand of food suitable for its age. If your cat lives indoors, choose food formulated for indoor cats. For older cats, select food designed for mature felines.

Ensure your cat always has access to fresh, clean water. Some cats need encouragement to drink, so consider placing multiple water dishes around your home and occasionally changing their locations. Ice cubes can also intrigue some cats and encourage them to drink.

Cats are picky about their water, preferring it extremely clean. Place water dishes away from food bowls to prevent contamination. If you suspect your cat is dehydrated, wet cat food can help increase its moisture intake. Any persistent drinking issues should be addressed by a vet as they may indicate a more serious problem.


Exercise is vital for your cat’s health. Whether your cat lives indoors or goes outside, encourage play and hunting activities to keep it fit and healthy.

Play with your cat using toys that it can chase and jump for. Simple toys like balled-up paper or paper towel tubes can be very effective.

If your cat goes outside, it likely gets exercise by wandering and hunting. Indoor cats can benefit from leash training to allow for supervised outdoor time. Socializing with other animals can also increase exercise, but introduce new pets carefully to ensure compatibility. Adopting two kittens from the same litter is a good strategy for ensuring companionship.


Your cat’s emotional health is just as important as its physical health. Regularly playing with your cat and giving it attention helps it feel happy and content.

Spend at least ten minutes a day playing with your cat to strengthen your bond and prevent feelings of neglect. Providing several play sessions throughout the day is even better.

Offer your cat a variety of toys and activities to stimulate its imagination. Scratching posts, cat tunnels, and cardboard boxes are excellent for keeping your cat entertained.

Companionship is crucial, especially if you’re often away from home. Consider getting a second cat for company or ask a friend to visit and play with your cat.

Maintain a clean environment for your cat. Clean the litter box regularly and ensure their bedding is comfortable and free of strong odors.

These basic tips can help you care for your cat and ensure it leads a happy, healthy life. Always prioritize your pet’s health and wellness.

For a wide selection of cat breeds, visit

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